We at the Dennis Port General Store are excited to share our recently unveiled American Made featured category on our website. Showcasing products made in the U.S.A, our American Made section is full of unique and useful kitchen gadgets, cutlery, candles, bath & body products, puzzles, and handcrafted items. Some of our featured companies still producing goods in America include Dexter Russell Cutlery, Lodge Cast Iron, and NordicWare cookware and bakeware. Being retailers for the last 20 years, we have watched with dismay as our favorite companies disappear, move manufacturing overseas, or become crushed from competition against cheaper, inferior products. One of our favorite linen companies, Stevens Linens out of Dudley, Mass, couldn't even get their raw materials within the U.S. anymore. Can you imagine, an American company having to import cotton? The American consumer's passionate, eternal quest for the "cheapest" is often ignorant to the "best" and has certainly been blind to the vitality of American manufacturing jobs. In today's "buy it local / green jobs" environment, it's our opinion that the real "green jobs" are the jobs in which Americans are doing the manufacturing. So here at Dennis Port General Store, we will continue to choose to sell the American made Clam Knife instead of the one made in China, as long as it's possible.
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