Once you have your supplies together, begin by melting your peanut butter and vanilla candy melts (separately) in the microwave.
First, you have to insert your pop stick into the marshmallow. We recommend dipping the stick into the melted candy then into the marshmallow. The candy melts act like glue to keep your marshmallow secure while it's being dipped.
Once you've inserted your lollipop sticks, you're ready to start dipping your marshmallows.
We use a styrofoam block to hold our dipped marshmallows while they set up. After dipping and scooping the peanut butter on to your marshmallow, sprinkle with red, white, and blue jimmies.
We also used vanilla candy melts for Red, White, & Blue Patriotic Pops.
Then we went really
crazy and swirled together the peanut butter and vanilla melts for dreamily delicious Vanilla Fluffernutter lollipops. Mmmmmmmm
If you're not serving your Patriotic Fluffernutter Pops right away (or you have enough self-control not to inhale them as quickly as you make them), package your Fluffernutter Pops into treat bags with twist ties or colorful ribbons.
Hope you get a chance to make these and have a wonderful 4th of July!
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